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The HILL Aims to Redefine CTE for All of Lexington

The HILL Aims to Redefine CTE for All of Lexington
artist's rendering of the finished CTE facility at 100 Midland Avenue

In the heart of downtown Lexington, an innovative new school is preparing to open its doors and change the way we approach Career and Technical Education (CTE).  Starting in the fall of 2025, Fayette County Public Schools will launch The HILL (Hub for Innovative Learning and Leadership). This groundbreaking facility will be at the corner of Main and Midland in what many might recognize as the former Lexington Herald-Leader building. 

What makes The HILL so special?

The HILL represents a new way of thinking and a promise. The vision for the hub is a place for Lexington to come together, connect, and collaborate. “Innovative Learning” is the energy that drives this initiative, bringing education in line with the changing world around us. “Leadership” at The HILL means more than just soft skills; it includes adaptability, collaboration, and resilience. The HILL will help us reimagine CTE and transform our students’ futures.

Merging the Strengths of Southside and Eastside

The HILL is more than a new building. It is a fusion of strengths, skills, resources, and a commitment to give all students a unique and rewarding learning experience. In combining Southside and Eastside technical centers into one central hub, The HILL aims to inspire, connect, and educate through real-world experiences and hands-on learning.

Addressing Workforce Trends in a Changing Landscape

The HILL will be at the forefront of education, tackling the challenges and opportunities brought by changes in the workforce. As we adapt to new trends and the growing need for skills, The HILL is strategically positioned to meet the demands of families, students, and employers by offering a relevant and life-changing education. 

Reimagining Career & Technical Education

The numbers show that students in programs like those at The HILL are more likely to enroll in college, secure employment, and earn higher incomes. CTE provides them with a clear sense of purpose and direction by focusing on the transferable skills needed in the workforce. The HILL takes this philosophy further -- offering top-notch equipment and modern programs that match the needs of local jobs and industries.

Pathways to Careers

Success at The HILL comes from combining academics with hands-on learning through a diverse and challenging curriculum. Students can explore their passions and skills through various career pathways that prepare them to succeed professionally. Options include Law & Public Safety, Fire Science/Fire Fighting, Transportation Technology, Media Arts & Technology, Construction, Electrical (high voltage), Culinary Arts, Health Sciences, and more.

A Collaborative Approach

Recognizing the importance of strong business partnerships, The HILL changes how schools, employers, and community partners work together. Employers contribute to the curriculum through collaboration on experiential learning and defining career paths.  The success of The HILL relies on building strong connections with businesses and the Lexington community. 

Going Further Faster

We can sum up The HILL as curious, forward-thinking, and determined. This spirit is captured in the motto “Go Further Faster” – a commitment to redefine education, inspire students, and build a stronger, more connected community. In the words of FCPS students, The HILL represents “confidence, experience, connections” and is “refreshing, exciting, innovative,” and will help “engage and inspire” learning. 

A Vision to Transform Futures

As The HILL prepares to open its doors in fall 2025, the excitement is building. It goes beyond a new school; it’s a symbol of progress, innovation, and a promise for a transformative future. The HILL connects education with workforce needs and community with student aspirations. 

The climb to success begins at The HILL, where every step is a move toward a brighter future and every student is equipped with the skills and knowledge to reach their peak. The Hub for Innovative Learning & Leadership is a spark for change, a driver of innovation, and proof of the power of education to transform lives.

Renderings courtesy of EOP Architects


Follow the Progress of the Renovation Project

Contact: Amanda Wickersham, director of CTE for Fayette County Public Schools