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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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Family Resources

IC Parent Portal





IC Login 

Or, visit the district's IC Parent Portal support site where you can:

  • Request an activation key to create a Parent Portal account;
  • Reset your password or retrieve your username.
  • Ask for extra assistance.

Out-of-county login 

Follow the student instructions below:

  1. Do NOT log into IC the first time via the mobile app.
  2. Go to,, or, select Parent Portal Icon.
  3. Username is the Student ID # (listed on the student schedule).  Teachers can also provide this number to students. This MUST be the one on EASTSIDE’S rosters.
  4. Passwords were reset on the first day of school to the following default format:  Password:  1stInitial+LastInitial+MMDDYY(i.e. if John Doe’s birthdate is April 7, 2001 is password is:  jd040701)
  5. A “catcha” box will more than likely appear.  If so, the student will be prompted to enter the username and password again along with the letters in the “catcha” box.
  6. The student will then be prompted to create a new password.

Note: IC is case-sensitive. 



Does your student use Canvas in class? If so, you can connect to stay up to date on class announcements, presentations, and assignments.

Canvas login for parents

Canvas instructions:


All those interested in becoming a volunteer in Fayette County Public Schools must register and pass a background check. 

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