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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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Student Technology Leadership Program

The Mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) is to advance the individual capabilities of students; to motivate all students; and to create leadership opportunities through the use of technology.

STLP Goals

  1. The STLP will develop activities which enhance the academic, social, and emotional growth of the student.

  2. The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students.

  3. The STLP will experience multi-age collaboration by forming innovative learning partnerships.

  4. The STLP will form learning partnerships between students with different technology skills.

  5. The STLP will develop activities which benefit communities.

  6. The STLP will develop instructional activities, which integrate technology and benefit the school and support the Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS).


Science Technology Engineering Math

Q:  Why did Fayette County change the Technology Fair to the STEM Fair?
A: It's all about connections.  The purpose of the Technology Fair was always to showcase and celebrate the accomplishments of our students and their use of technology.  The STEM Fair will take that a step higher and allow our students to show how technology is inextricably connected to science, engineering, and mathematics.  Those disciplines are essential to the current and emerging economy of our state and nation.  Through those connections, our students are learning that all facets of their education must complement each other.  Our students are becoming the kind of well-rounded individuals who will move us forward in the global economy.