Phone: (859) 422-0049
Tracy Parks
Tracy Parks is an seasoned educator and a noteworthy architect in data acquisition, organization, and analysis, as well as a focused advocate in the fields of literary and multi-tiered systems of support. In FCPS, she has worked as a biology and chemistry teacher at Locust Trace AgriScience Center and most recently holding leadership positions as Literacy Specialist, MTSS Specialist, Data Specialist, and Administrative Dean. Her driving force in education is building pathways to success for all students - meeting them where they are and inspiring the drive to achieve at their highest potential.
When Ms. Parks is faced with overwhelming challenges, there is always one quote that comes to mind that re-centers her in her efforts, “Do I crumble, or do I pivot?” Wise words shared by a Peloton enthusiast - just reaffirming you never know where wisdom might find you. The quote is a reminder for Ms. Parks that moments of vulnerability can become moments of strength. It's all about a positive perspective and perseverance.